Data Privacy Request

This Data Privacy Request Form may be filed with the Authorized Personnel previously dealt with by the Data Subject as processor of his/her Personal Data. The Authorized Personnel shall then endorse the same to the Compliance Officer for Privacy (COP) for the branch, sub-office, or department concerned, or in his absence, the Head of such branch, sub-office, or department, for assessment of the reasonableness and approval of the exercise of the right.

The information collected through this form will only be processed with your prior consent and for the purpose of attending to your report and providing related services.

I hereby attest that all information stated in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Any concealment, false statement, and/or non-declaration shall constitute fraud, which shall be ground to file a legal action against me; I therefore waive my rights to institute any case arising from this situation.

Likewise, I hereby attest that I have been informed of the purpose for the processing of the Information that I provided, and that I expressly give my consent therefore.

Furthermore, as an Attorney-in-Fact / Authorized Representative of the Data Subject (if applicable in this request), I warrant that I have: (i) obtained authorization from the Data Subject to disclose their information included in this form; and that (ii) the Data Subject has been informed of the purpose for the disclosure and collection of information.

I agree to indemnify and hold the Company free and harmless from any and all claims arising from the breach of this warranty, for damages, and for actual legal fees to defend such claims, if any.

This consent for the Company to use or process the information herein shall be valid for the purpose of the request herein.

By using this form, I confirm that I have read, understood and accept the Privacy Policy and consent to being contacted in connection with this matter.

Consent Choices *